Ice melt is important for ensuring safety in winter weather by preventing ice from making surfaces slippery. Slippery, ice-covered surfaces make falls and injuries likely.
You should be well informed about ice melt when you use it to prevent slick surfaces during the winter. The following are six things that you shouldn't assume regarding ice melt.
There is only one kind of ice melt.
When you shop for ice melt, you will find that there is a variety of different types on the market. Ice melts can differ in terms of their ingredient makeup. Ice melts usually include salts such as calcium chloride and sodium chloride. They can also contain carbonyl diamide, magnesium chloride, or potassium chloride.
Ice melt formulations typically differ according to what temperature they are supposed to melt ice and snow at. You'll notice that ice melts on the market are rated at certain temperature ranges. You should choose the ice melt that corresponds with the current temperature in your area.
You should choose the ice melt that is formulated for the coldest temperatures.
Some people assume that they should choose the ice melt with the coldest temperature rating because they think it will be more effective. However, the ice melt you buy will work better if it is formulated for the temperatures you're dealing with and not for colder temperatures.
Ice melt will damage the surfaces that it's used on.
It's not true that ice melt always causes a great deal of damage to the surfaces that it's placed on. Non-toxic ice melt should not damage brick or concrete surfaces if it is used in moderation. Thawing and freezing ice on surfaces can cause much more damage to surfaces than ice melt does.
All ice melt is harmful to pets.
It's not true that all ice melts are dangerous to pets. You should not choose an ice melt that is formulated with sodium chloride if you have pets because this substance can in fact be harmful to pets. However, there are many ice melts available that are formulated for pet owners and don't contain substances that are harmful to pets.
Rock salt is a better option than ice melt.
Some people assume that rock salt is a better choice than ice melt because ice melt tends to be slightly more expensive. However, it's important to realize that rock salt is ineffective at extremely low temperatures while ice melt can melt ice even in temperatures that are well below freezing.
There is not any salt in ice melts.
Some people think that ice melt doesn't contain salt because they assume that it is a salt-free alternative to rock salt. This is not the case. Ice melts almost always contain salts in their list of ingredients.